Member of SCNAT

The Swiss Statistical Society (SSS) propagates application and development of statistics in Switzerland, represents the interest of professionals working in this field in relation to practice, research and education and contributes to the recognition of statistics as a scientific discipline in its own right.

Image: denisismagilov,

Call for Abstracts

Data and statistics play an essential role in our direct democracy. They serve as a basis for decision-making in public administration, politics, the economy and public life. Rapidly progressing digitalisation and the latest data science advances in artificial intelligence bring new opportunities in data collection and analysis, but also new challenges. With the current technological developments and the consequent availability of large amounts of data, it is crucially important to promote data literacy, the understanding and the ability to collect, analyse, interpret and communicate data.

Statistics offices have a particular role to play in this context. On the one hand, developments in artificial intelligence are opening up new opportunities in the obtainment and analysis of data, presenting official statistics with the challenge of exploring new ways of managing and analysing data as well as making its data expertise available to the administration and the general public. On the other hand, against the backdrop of new algorithms used by various parties to collect and process data, it is vitally important that official statistics maintains the publics trust in its own statistical products. The continuity of the topics dealt with, the transparency of survey processes and methods as well as the quality of the products are decisive in this respect. At the same time, official statistics has a responsibility to point out the limits of the validity of data and statistics.

A reliable data basis and easy access to statistical results are crucial for the progress of statistics and society. Take this opportunity to talk about your work with your contribution at the 2024 Swiss Statistics Meeting!

Download the call for abstract here.

Submission deadline for abstracts: 08.04.2024

Please use the following Word template: TEMPLATE

The organizing committee will inform you by end of May 2024 whether your contribution has been selected.

Further information:

Submission deadline for presentations: 12.08.2023

Note: Posters must be brought on the day of the conference.