Membro della SCNAT

La Società svizzera di statistica (SSS) promuove l’applicazione e lo sviluppo della statistica in Svizzera, rappresenta gli interessi delle persone attive in questo campo nella pratica, nella ricerca e nell’insegnamento e contribuisce al riconoscimento della statistica come disciplina scientifica autonoma.

Immagine: denisismagilov,

Iscrizione alle Giornate svizzere di statistica

Tickets and prices

ParticipationStandard rate

Reduced rate for members and staff of SFSO, CORSTAT and SSS

Student rate
Whole Conference (04.09-05.09) * CHF 460CHF 350CHF 220
Day 1 (04.09)*CHF 400CHF 290CHF 170
Day 2 (05.09)CHF 350CHF 240CHF 140
Video participationCHF 150CHF 150CHF 90

* with ʺstatistics partyʺ

Registration deadline is 15.08.2024

After online registration you will receive a confirmation e-mail. The invoice will be sent to you between mid-August and the end of September 2024. Cancellation free of charge is possible until 15 August 2024, after which the full conference fee will be due as per registration.

Personal Details
Correspondance language

Collective invoice
Please add me to the collective invoice (only for SFSO and cantonal offices).
Meal preferences
I would like to take advantage of the vegetarian option for meals.

Any other meal requests should be sent separately to

Terms of Service
Yes, I authorize the transmission of my email address to sponsors.