R programmer for the Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research
To support their statistics team, the Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research are looking for a motivated, reliable and independent person to join their team as a temporary team member for one year immediately or upon agreement as R programmer (80 - 100%).
Image : denisismagilov, stock.adobe.comAn interactive exhibition on the fascinating world of numbers and data
A '3D' journey between Digits (mathematics), Dice (probability) and Data (statistics, Data Science, Big Data).
Projet financé par la SCNAT pour 2024.
Lancement et test d'une plateforme pour former la prochaine génération de réviseurs et d'experts (statistiques)
Image : Robert_Kneschke, stock.adobe.comMats Julius Stensrud remporte le prix Lambert 2023
Valérie Chavez, présidente du jury du Prix Lambert, a remis le prix à Mats lors des Journées Suisse de la Statistique à Bâle.
Image : denisismagilov, stock.adobe.com