Mitglied der SCNAT

Die Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Statistik (SSS) fördert die Anwendung und die Entwicklung der Statistik in der Schweiz, vertritt die Interessen der auf diesem Gebiet tätigen Personen in Praxis, Forschung und Lehre und trägt zur Anerkennung der Statistik als eigenständige wissenschaftliche Disziplin bei.

Bild: denisismagilov,

Johann Heinrich Lambert Preis

Lambert Award
Lambert Award

Promoting young statisticians

The Swiss Statistical Society has been awarding the Johann Heinrich Lambert Award since 2013 to acknowledge the contributions of young statisticians. The Lambert Award includes a certificate and a cash prize of 1,000 Swiss Francs. Recipients are also invited to deliver a plenary talk at the Swiss Statistics Meeting held in the year they receive the award.

Lambert Award 2023

Mats Julius Stensrud was rewarded the Lambert Award in 2023 for his outstanding work. He is a tenure track assistant professor at EPFL since 2020, at the department of Mathematics, leading the chair of Biostatistics. He got his Bachelor in Mathematics at University from Oslo, his Master in Applied Statistics from University of Oxford, a PhD in neuroscience from University of Oslo and a Medical Doctor from University of Oslo as well. At EPFL, his work focuses mainly on Causal Inference.

Previous winners: Sebastian Engelke (UNIGE, 2021)

Lambert Award 2025

The Lambert Award jury will invite young statisticians (up to 35 years old) to submit their work. The next application deadline is yet to be defined.

Application: Candidates should consult the Lambert Award rules.

Currently, the jury is composed of the following 5 members:

  • Valérie Chavez-Demoulin (Unil) (President)
  • Antonietta Mira (USI)
  • Matthias Temple (ZHAW School of Engineering)
  • Sylvain Sardy (UniGe)
  • Stefan Sperlich (UniGe)